Magic of Affirmations

Magic of Affirmations

Do Affirmations Work? Yes Do you mean to say, I keep affirming and it manifests? Is it enough? No Arey, what’s this YES & NO? Listen, Affirmations are statements that help to retrain your subconscious mind. They are one of the powerful tools to set a new neural pathway. While it is true that repetition can change your habits, behavior, and point of view, it's equally important to work for it. ü For example, I affirm saying: I see through the eyes of love every day, then it's my moral responsibility to abide by it. ü First, affirm, then get into action, thus by repeating them frequently. believing in them and taking conscious action will lead to a change of thoughts, and behavior, and overcoming self-defeating ideas thereby, you would begin to see good results. ü It is suggested that writing affirmations down in a journal and practicing them in the mirror makes it more powerful and effective. Affirmations work in all dimensions of life. Here are some of the powerful ones: 1. I use my talents to complete the work with ease. 2. I love working with creative and talented people. 3. I am richly rewarded for my unique ideas and accomplishments 4. “My talents are recognized. My talents are in demand. I open my arms to prosperity" 5. Every experience is perfect for my growth 6. I love & respect every cell of my body with good nourishment 7. I awaken today, appreciating everything in sight, and I give thanks. 8. I now free myself from destructive fears and doubts. 9. Life supports me in every possible way. 10. “It does not matter what other people say or do. What matters is how I choose to respond and what I choose to believe about myself” 11. I see my parents as tiny children who need love ❤️ I have the compassion to see their childhoods. I forgive them and set them free. 12. I create wonderful roles for myself in all dimensions of life. For more, you can watch my affirmation Instagram reels Suggested Books for Reading: You can Heal your Life, Heal your body & I can do it– Louise Hay I Am – Wayne W. Dyer Self-Mastery through conscious autosuggestion – Émile Coué

Thulasi Manogaran
